Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast

Laurika Booysen – I Am Because You Are

Marie Gervais Season 5 Episode 4

Bio for Laurika Booysen 

Doctor Laurika Booysen is a family doctor passionate about empowering people in their own health journey. She currently works at a community holistic health and wellness center in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 

Episode highlight

As a South African family doctor, Laurika Booysen helps her patients see themselves as the beautiful and capable souls they are while taking on her own homework of detaching from any preconceived assumptions about what they should do or be to live whole and healthy lives. 




“We are all so different and unique so what works for one patient… might not work for another patient.” 

“When you can dream it, you can believe it.”

“Your culture plays a role and your culture is part of your strength.”

“Maybe we will just agree to disagree and that’s a way too.”


Childhood Incidents

Growing up in South Africa, Laurika didn’t understand segregation even though she was surrounded by it. She was privileged to attend a good all-girls school with exposure to multiple events and competitions. 

As a teenager, she was involved in many cultural activities, brought home people of different cultures and visited their homes. She has always enjoyed learning about other cultures and experiencing different family dynamics. 

Influential Groups 

Laurika comes from a family of teachers and looks at her medical practice as similar to teaching and coaching. Her family also has a military background, which taught her about righteousness and justice.

Traditionally, the aspects she has imbibed from her culture are about loving people and food, and being authentic and respectful. 

Temperament and Personality Influences

Laurika desires the best for everyone and wishes they reach their highest potential, but she has learned to be more accepting of who they are now and what they need, without pushing them to do what she thinks is good for them. 

Cultural Epiphanies

Eight months into living in Canada, Laurika felt depressed, dissociated, and disconnected due to a cultural shock, and was not able to shake it off. 

Advice to an Employer 

Laurika claims the biggest gift she can receive is “seeing people flourish.” She values freedom and autonomy on the job so she can flourish too. 

More Great Insights! 

Laurika and her team are working to build a community health center on the west side of Edmonton to help community members and their future generations live empowered, autonomous lives. 

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