Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast

Leadership Without Power/Virtuous Coup

Marie Gervais Season 1 Episode 2

The Incident

Picture this: you have a manager who is incompetent and wants to be seen as bigger and better than everyone beneath her. She undermines others and strategically points out what she perceives to be mistakes at meetings so that individuals are all afraid of her. 

The Initial Reaction

This was an incident a colleague of mine experienced as a teacher in a school with a domineering and suspicious principal. The staff reaction to her was one of fear and everyone became isolated and suspicious. Nobody spoke out. The workplace became tense and toxic. 

The Goal

After discussing the situation, my colleague came up with a plan to do what she called a “virtuous coup d’etat”. She and another teacher decided to be kind and helpful in a very intentional way to the staff, doing small favours for them, providing little gifts and kind words and actively complimenting them in front of students and each other. The goal was to turn the toxic culture around and to “own” the culture so that it could not be manipulated by leadership that did not share the same values. 

The Obstacles 

Not everyone got on board…those who did were contacted privately by the two colleagues and asked if they wanted to join the coup. Soon the project spread and gained momentum to the point where when the principal tried to target and undermine a colleague publicly during a staff meeting, the others would not stop singing their fellow teacher’s praises, undermining the negativity with positive and sincere appreciation.


When people without power in a workplace choose to take the high road and act with principle, they may be targeted and crushed. But when they do it in a way that brings others along with them, they create a movement. 


It is certainly harder to build unity of thought and action than to complain and say “that’s just how things are”. But if we want to enjoy a great workplace culture, we must be willing to put some skin into the game. 

Lessons Learned

This example shows that if you don’t have power through formal management, you can still have behind the scenes leadership influence and build unity of thought. We don’t always choose who we work with or who our bosses are, but we can choose to act with integrity and to look to the power of groups to build an ethical and healthy workplace

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