Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast

Christina Stathopoulos – Fairy Tale Magic Girl

Marie Gervais Season 3 Episode 12

Bio for Christina Stathopoulos 

Christina Stathopoulos is an International Coaching Speaker, Professional Certified Coach (International Coach Federation-credentialed) and an Accomplishment Coaching Certified Coach. In her business, Hear Her Roar, Christina specializes in working with millennial women who have taken on a new leadership role. 

Episode highlight

As the daughter of Greek immigrants, Christina Stathopoulos grew up with strong ideals of family, and brings that sense of oneness into her work today. Listen in on how she sprinkles her work with love, consideration, and a little touch of fairy dust.








 “What we see is what we internalize as children.”

 “To me, you cannot be Greek without having a core value of creating family.”

 “I think the first job of a coach is to not assume that you know what your clients need.”


Childhood incidents:

Christina credits having learned a “disciplined, strong, tenacious, work ethic” from her hardworking family members. Christina’s piano teacher helped her overcome her negative self-talk by celebrating the small wins.

Groups you were born into and belonged to: 

Christina is heavily influenced by the Greek culture. She is now part of a women’s group which helps her hone her compassionate non-hierarchical leadership style. After a negative work experience, she decided to be a nurturing mentor to others and began producing events which led her to coaching.

Temperament and personality influences

As a child, Christina was full of pure whimsy, joy, playfulness and a curious imagination. She moulded herself to become a disciplined, hardworking, focused, diligent and tenacious adult. 

A time I became aware that my way of doing things was cultural and specific to my cultural experience

Christina observed that North American culture is heavily individualistic. In contrast, Greek Culture opts for a more collectivist approach and emphasizes putting others ahead of yourself. 

Advice to an employer to work with me

Christina offers group and individual coaching programs. She likes to understand why a client is approaching her for coaching first before she can recommend the right program to them. 

More great insights from our guest! 

Reach out to Christina for group or individual coaching, or to find out more about leadership and her work.

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